April 21st 2024


April brings a new budget for the 2024/5 financial year across schools and academic institutions. Some budgets may be cut, and others may have more to spend. Either way, finding solutions that save resources, costs, and time improves your budget when next April comes around. 

So, where will your budget go? This year, we recommend starting - or progressing - your institution’s digital transformation plan. Discover what emerging trends you should consider for your institution below.

What Does Digital Transformation Look Like in Education?

Traditional classrooms, lecture halls and office spaces were once seen as the best environments for learning and working. This belief, along with budgetary concerns, created barriers to adopting and using new technologies. Then COVID-19 happened. 

The education sector had one choice: bring in new technology or cease to educate. Aside from evolving with the new normal, digital transformation allows academic organisations to make learning more accessible and improve productivity across the entire teaching and student cohort. 

5 Digital Transformation Trends in Education

1 - Move to Blended Learning Environments

Education is becoming more accessible, regardless of the student’s needs or location. More educators will need to focus on building environments that blend the digital with the traditional learning aspects of classrooms. 

Integrating solutions such as video conferencing tools, Microsoft 365 and learning experience platforms (LXP) can provide the flexibility and autonomy pupils need to grow.   

2 - Uptake in Interactive Learning 

Interactive tools, such as virtual reality, augmented reality and gamification, are an exciting opportunity for the education sector. These tools take students out of the classroom and help them experience learning scenarios they may never have been able to access. 

Interactive learning isn’t a new concept, but with these advancements, this approach will transform how students and teachers engage with each other. 

3 - Integration of IoT Solutions

Internet of Things (IoT) devices, such as whiteboards, smartphones, laptops and tablets, facilitate real-time communication and collaboration between teachers and pupils. 

IoT devices allow educators to collect data about students' learning styles and difficulties. This insight can create a more personalised learning environment, where students receive the guidance they need to succeed in their studies. 

4 - Stronger IT Security Protocols  

The education sector is one of the top targets for malicious cyber attacks. While most students are digital natives - meaning they’re likely more aware of threats online - teachers and the wider cohort are at risk of being targeted.

This comes down to a growing digital skills gap and poor security protocols. Greater IT security will allow educational institutions to safely store, distribute and protect student and teacher data. 

Regular managed IT support, web filtering, document backups, and anti-virus/spam management are just a few solutions that can be used to achieve this. 

5 - Leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI)  

AI will play a huge role in this sector’s digital transformation. The government is already investing in AI technology for schools and plans to expand further.

Future developments could include virtual assistants to reduce teacher workload or personalised AI tutors to help pupils with bespoke guidance. 

While some generative AI programs risk plagiarism, there are other applications that will make language learning and education more accessible to a wider audience. 

Contact Lily - Expert Managed Service Provider for Education

As your trusted education Managed Service Provider, Lily will manage all your IT needs and help you on your way to digital transformation. Our work with the educator sector has allowed institutions to cut costs and create a safer learning environment. 

Discover our IT services for education to learn more. If you have any questions, contact our specialist team today.

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