May 11th 2020


Boris Johnson addressed the country last night and set out a three-step plan to end lockdown on a long road to freedom.

A “conditional plan” to re-open society, this has seen people who can’t work from home being urged to start working. The first step is also allowing people to spend more time outdoors, from Wednesday unlimited exercise will be permitted and you will be able to visit parks however social distancing must still be obeyed.

The second step could be a phased reopening of some primary schools allowing some pupils to return to school. Also, the re-opening of shops, this stressed at the earliest by 1st June.

The third step could see some of the hospitality industry and other public places re-open around the 1st July.

The prime minister stressed the roadmap of dates was all “conditional”, a series of “big ifs” and he would not hesitate to “put on the brakes” if there are further outbreaks of the virus.

The announcement has got everyone wondering what life after the coronavirus will look like.

Flexible working?

With many companies making a successful shift to remote working at home, will this mean that some companies decide that employees can work from home as standard?

There are pros and cons to working from home; when we return to normality the pros will most definitely be valued highly – zero time travelling, more energy, increased family time and higher productivity due to less distractions.

Even sceptical leaders are acknowledging that productivity is better at home! Data is key in making flexible working a success, call stats, call status and productivity tools are all available to ensure high productivity is constantly achieved.

Cashless society?

With most of society utilising cards because of the virus, will we move away from cash? There are many benefits to businesses in being completely cashless; reduced risk of theft, easier reconciliation, faster service at checkouts, more hygienic – the list could go on!

Many businesses that have adapted and are utilising payment terminals and e-commerce to collect payments are seeing the benefit. Businesses have been pleasantly surprised as collecting payments via this method isn’t as expensive as it used to be.

Cash payments have declined by 32% from 2008 to 2018. With cash payments in constant decline and society adapting to ‘card only’, utilising card terminals is a no brainer for businesses going forward!

Less travelling?

Due to the stay at home guidelines, businesses have been conducting meetings virtually, presenting to prospective customers or checking in with their current customers using video conferencing tools. People across the globe are witnessing that conversations are now more meaningful and in depth. Seeing people in their homes is personal and in the current climate people are ‘opening up’ more than before. Video conferencing has become the new norm and will be a tool businesses will keep using after the pandemic.

The Coronavirus has changed all our lives and shifted us into a different way of working. We hope your business has successfully adapted, if you need any advice we are here to help.

There have been many positives from the Coronavirus pandemic across the globe. It’s given us time to slow down our busy lives, reflect on what’s important and has given the environment time to recover. As a nation we have been resilient, we have come together and become more thoughtful and generous. These are all lessons we all hope will be brought into life after Coronavirus.

Stay safe and we will see you on the other side!

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